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Alexandre Sauve interview Debra on The Path to Success for her podcast

The Path to Success

In this episode, we have a powerful talk with guest-star Debra Heslin about her life and how she took a fast track to success and fulfillment with NLP.

Debra Heslin - a Certified master trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), timeline
techniques, hypnosis and coaching - has conducted trainings with students around the world. She is also certified as a trainer and/or practitioner in many other modalities like HeartMath® Resilience, Havening, The Canfield Success Principles, High Performance Coaching with Brendon Burchard, and many others. Debra also worked as the head in-house Coach for one of the largest transformational training
companies in the world. She coached other professionals to further develop their skills to
coach or train others.

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