Debra Heslin is in conversation today with Sharla Snow, and together, they are exploring ideas around emotional resilience, and creating 'coherence' so that our four connected systems (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) are in balance, allowing us to get into a healthy rhythm as we go about facing the day's challenges.
Both Debra and Sharla are trainers in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Debra's backstory is that she came from high-powered corporate America, and realized there has to be a better way.
Now she is a high-performance coach, specializing in NLP, hypnosis, and timeline therapy – and also a trainer for the HeartMath Institute.
Learn all about Heart Math, depleting emotions, and how to practice what we do already anyway (breathe) with volition and awareness that then proffers a different result.
We do have control over how we respond to the things that happen to us in life. And with some scientifically proven breathing techniques (and some practice), we begin to breathe in the coherence, hit reset, and shift our baseline for what we are capable of responding to in advance so that we don't have to put out fires later on.
We have more choices than we realize we have when life throws us situations that are uncomfortable. And what greater gift can we give to one another than our own inner peace and calm?
When we do that, we bring our higher selves to our conversation. Please join us in this highly practical and illuminating episode of Master Your Marriage that all starts with our breath.
"Basically, we see the world through how we feel." ~ Debra Heslin
In This Episode:
- What is Heart Math?
- What does Coherence mean?
- Understanding depleting emotions
- Learning from the 8 Predictors For Divorce
- Developing Emotional Resilience by breathing into our heart
- How do our batteries get depleted?
- Recognizing our depleting emotions
- Debra shares the scientifically proven effects of the Quick Coherence Technique
- A 'Shift and Lift' breathing technique
- How do we breathe in these emotions of self-care?
- Practice shifts our baseline: 'self-mastery is spelled WORK'
And so much more!
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